Committee: Officials Education
Contact info:
Position: Media Researcher for Official’s Education Online Program
Time Commitment: (per week/month) 2-4 hours per week
Mandatory skills needed: Ability to organize a multitude of possible photos and videos into a usable index for others. Ability to pull time indexes of videos. Eye for visual detail.
Desired Qualifications:
General Responsibilities: This person would look through WFTDA footage from and still photos to find clips that would be advantageous for the Officials’ online education program.
Pending Projects: This may require a larger time commitment at the beginning in order to get the first batch of presentations online in a timely manner.
To apply, please complete application, right click and save as in this format: JobTitle.YYMMDD.Skater Name, and submit it to with the position in the subject line. Please be as detailed as possible when filling out the application.
Application here: